Equestrian Laundry Services

We clean all types of horse rugs including:

Stable Rugs Shower Sheets Saddle Pads
Turnout Rugs Woollen Rugs Travelling Boots
Canvas Rugs Exercise Quarter Sheets Bandages
Light Sheets Paddock Quarter Sheets Cloths & Girth Sleeves


Our Laundry Service

We provide an extremely thorough cleaning service for all equestrian items. Everything goes through the same rigorous process to ensure you get your horse blankets back in pristine condition.

Steps in the Equestrian Laundry process

  1. Initial - all items initaled and heavy soiling brushed off.

  2. Wash & Disinfect using the best product on the market for killing bacteria, viruses and fungus.

  3. De-hair - thorough hair removal from all items.

  4. Repair & Reproof if required.

  5. Finish - rugs tied or polywrapped if required.

If your rugs are still soiled or stained when they are finished treatment, we rewash the rugs again. Providing a quality cleaning service is our top priority.

Call Niall Kennedy for an instant quotation on 045-441338